[TRANSLATION]横江词六首 其五 – Six Poems of River Heng, No.5


Six Poems of River Heng, No.5

Author: Bai Li(AD701-AD762, Tang Dynasty)

Translator: Lei Fan 2017 in Chicago


The ferry officer welcomes me in front of the Posthouse of River Heng,

Point to the east, showing me the storm cloud is forming above the water.

He asks me why I have no other choices but to take the ferry today?


With the imminent tempest and the fierce waves, nothing will be able to sail!


Note: Bai Li wrote six poems about the fierce storm and waves of River Heng, which blocked his way up north to serve Emperor Xuan Zong. On the surface, he depicted the spectacular sight and the severe conditions, but the intention was to express his anxiety of not been able to return to court and serve on time.


横江词六首 – 其五

Image Courtesy: 寻找李白 National Geographic China 传送门

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